Psoriatic Diet from John Pagano

John Pagano Psoriatic Diet

John Pagano Psoriatic diet: natural healing of psoriasis, eczema and psoriatic arthritis

Approval by your personal physician is essential before embarking on this or any dietary program.

Avoid any food item that causes an allergic reaction, even if it is on the permitted list.

The 80 % - 20 % food ratio of John Pagano's psoriatic diet

The 80/20 rule applies to John Pagano's psoriatic diet.

John Pagano's psoriatic diet

Eighty percent of the daily food intake should be selected from the following list, most of which are alkaline (base) formers:
  • Water - six to eight glasses of pure water daily in addition to all other liquids consumed.
  • Lecithin - Granular - 1 tablespoon three times per day, five days per week.
  • Fruits - Fresh is preferred, frozen is permitted, packed in water in glass jar on occasion. Stewed fruits are highly recommended, whenever possible.


      • Apples (cooked), apricots, most berries, cherries, dates, figs (unsulphured), grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges (a), papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, and small prunes.

    Permitted in less quantities

      • Avocados, cranberries, currants, plums and large prunes. Note that raw apples, bananas and melons are permitted provided that are eaten alone and sparingly.
      • (a) No strawberries or citrus fruits are allowed in cases os eczema or arthritis, and no strawberries in cases of psoriasis.
    • Vegetables - Daily intake should be three that grow above the ground to one that grows below the ground. Fresh is preferred, frozen is permitted, packed in glass jars on occasion


      • Asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots*, celery*, cucumbers, garlic*, lettuce*, (romaine in particular), onions*, olives, parsnips, pumpkin, scallions, soybeans, spinach*, sprouts*, string beans, squash, sweet potatoes, watercress* (Note: Those marked with an asterisk are particularly importante).

    Permitted in lesser quantities

      • Corn (white corn is preferred), dried beans,lentils, mushrooms, peas and rhubarb.
    • Juices - Daily intake of freshly made vegetable and fruit juice is highly recommended. The most valuable kitchen appliance investment is a juicer or a blender. Most effective is one glass per day of freshly juiced carrots, celery and lettuce.
    • Miscellaneous - Almonds are alkaline in nature. Eating five raw almonds a day is suggested. Filberts are permitted occasionally as well as chestnuts and fresh coconut. Apple cider vinager (used sparingly) is the only type of vinager permitted.

    Twenty percent of the daily food intake should be selected from the following, most of which are acid formers:
    • Grains - Most grains are acid formers (except millet) and should be consumed in the form of natural whole-grain products such as bagels, breads, cereals /with veru little, if any, perservatives or artificial sweeteners), muffins, pasta (Jerusalem artichoke is preferred, with olive oil and garlic sauce), rice (brown and / or wild is preferred) - no white flour products.

    • Meats
      • Fish - Fresh or frozen salt - or freshwater, white-fleshed varieties are permitted, but dark, oily is preferred (no shellfish). If canned, water or oil packed is permitted. Fish is suggested about three to four times per week.
      • Poultry - Chicken, cornish hen, turkey, wild fowl (all skinless, white meat is preferred). Poultry is permitted about two or three times per week.
      • Lamb - trimmed of all fat before cooking, well done, once or twice a week (never fried, and no more than 4 to 6 ounces, moreless 113g to 170g, at a serving).
    • Dairy - Only low-fat / low sodium products are permitted: skim, low-fat, 1% or 2% milk, cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, and so forth (no ice cream, cream toppings, or whole-milk products). Dairy products, for the most part are classified as being neutral or alkaline in their reaction , depending on the source of reference. Do not have citrus fruits or citrus juices with dairy products or cereals at the same meal.
    • Butter - Regular butter is permitted, but only occasionally and very sparingly. (Even though it is a saturated fat, a little butter is better than margarine and other hydrogenated products.)
    • Eggs - Two to four per week, prepared any way except fried.
    • Oils - Canola, coconut, corn, cottonseed, olive, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower, and occasionally peanut. One teaspoon of olive oil three times per day is suggested for children, and one tablespoon three times per day for adults, unless there is a gallbladder problem.
    • Teas - Slippery elm bark powder (in the morning) and american yellow saffron (in the evening) as directed are teas most beneficial in psoriasis and eczema cases. (Chamomile, green, mullein, oolong (china) or watermelon seed tea may be substitued at times for the americam yellow saffron tea.) Remember, pregnant women or those anticipating pregnancy should avoid both the slipperyelm and saffron teas.

    Foods to avoid

    • Almost all saturated fats - Red meats (except lamb) such as beef, pork, sweetbreads, and veal; processed meats such as bolonha, pepperoni, frankfurters, salami and sausage; hydrogenated products such as margarine and shortening. Avoid trans fats as much as possible.
    • The nightshades - Eggplant, paprika, peppers (all types except black pepper), tomatoes (and tomato sauces and products), tobacco (smoking), white potatoes (all potatoes are considered "white" except sweet potatoes and yams).
    • Shellfish - Clams, crabs, lobster, shrimp and sauces made with shellfish.
    • Junk food - Candies and pastries, chocolate (and all products made with chocolate, including white chocolate, french fries and potato chips, soda (diet and regular) and sweets. These junk foods are a major cause of psoriasis and eczema in adults as well as in children.
    • Yeast - Or yeast-laden foods, if there is an underlying yeast infection (candidiasis).

      Dr. John's Psoriatic Diet

    • Coffee - If strongly desired, a maximum of three cups per day of black decaffeinated coffee may be consumed. Remember coffee is a diuretic, and if taken too often, it depletes calcium from the body, especilly after age forty. Therefore, replace the calcium by having one or two cups of skim milk or other foods that supply calcium at a different time of the day. It is best not to mix milk or sugar in the coffee.
    • Gluten - And products containing gluten, such as barley, oats, rye and wheat, if allergies or celiac disease is suspected.
    • Miscellaneous - All fried foods, pizza, alcohol (including beer), sugary cereals, vinegar (wine or grain), pickled and smoked foods, hot spices, gravies, strawberries, peanut butter, and too many starches.

    Note: In every case of psoriatic arthritis and eczema, avoid citrus fruits, citrus juices, strawberries and adding salt to foods. Added salt in general should be avoided. The salt (sodium) found naturally in the daily diet is quite adequate for most people.

    PAGANO, John O. A.; Healing psoriasis - The natural alternative; Wiley and Sons, Inc, New Jersey, 2009


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